

Chulmin Yoon

Chulmin Yoon has accepted an Assistant Professor position at Kentech

Chulmin Yoon, who received his PhD from our department in 2020, recently accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position to start March 2022 at a new Korean university…

Dream Together

Philosophy for Humans supported by Outreach staff grant

We are pleased to announce that the Philosophy for Humans learning community received support for its work from the Office of Outreach and Engagement's staff grant!  Philosophy for…

Harris and Hill

Department Names Seminar Room in Honor of Pioneering Black Philosophers

The Ohio State University Department of Philosophy has named its newly renovated seminar room in honor of two pioneering graduates of its PhD program, Dr. Marquis Lafayette Harris and Dr. Charles…

Steve Brown

Congratulations to Steve Brown on his appointment as Associate Professor of Teaching

Congratulations to Steve Brown on his appointment as Associate Professor of Teaching in the Philosophy Department.  Steve has taught some of our highest enrolling courses while…

Dear Ohio

CEHV Director Piers Turner on Dear Ohio Podcast

Prof. Piers Turner was featured on the Spectrum News 1 Dear Ohio podcast with anchor Curtis Jackson, discussing ethical issues surrounding COVID vaccines and masks. …

E. Mercurio

Congratulations to Erin Mercurio on Her Ph.D.

Erin Mercurio has successfully defended her dissertation, Pippi Longstocking, Captain Ahab, and Other People: A Defense of Possibilism About Fictional Objects. Her co-advisors were Ben Caplan…

D. Olson

Congratulations to Daniel Olson on his Ph.D.

Daniel Olson has successfully defended his dissertation, Three Essays on the Constitutive A Priori. His Advisor was Chris Pincock.

Daniel’s dissertation discussed the constitutive…


Lavender McKittrick-Sweitzer on Care Exploitation in the APA blog

Our own Lavender McKittrick-Sweitzer has a piece on the care exploitation of essential workers, just out on the APA blog. 

Lavender recently earned her Ph.D. and will be an instructor…

Aly McCarthy

Aly McCarthy has accepted an Assistant Professor position at Vanderbilt University

Aly McCarthy, who completed her PhD here in 2018 with Professor Piers Turner has just accepted a permanent clinical track position at Vanderbilt! Her official title is: Assistant…