The Center for Ethics and Human Values (CEHV) is Ohio State's hub for respectful discussion and interdisciplinary engagement on the ethical challenges that shape our campus and the broader community. A University-wide center, CEHV runs a variety of programs and has played a leading role in Ohio State's Shared Values Initiative and Civil Discourse Project.
CEHV has a close affiliation with the Department of Philosophy. Since its formal founding in 2016, both of its directors -- Don Hubin (Professor, emeritus) and Piers Turner (Associate Professor) -- have come from the Philosophy faculty. Two other current members of the department -- Sahar Heydari Fard and Dana Howard -- serve on its steering committee and five graduate students from Philosophy have also served as CEHV Graduate Associates. CEHV faculty members also provide leadership for the new interdisciplinary major in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE).
CEHV has a close affiliation with the Department of Philosophy. Since its formal founding in 2016, both of its directors -- Don Hubin (Professor, emeritus) and Piers Turner (Associate Professor) -- have come from the Philosophy faculty. Two other current members of the department -- Sahar Heydari Fard and Dana Howard -- serve on its steering committee and five graduate students from Philosophy have also served as CEHV Graduate Associates. CEHV faculty members also provide leadership for the new interdisciplinary major in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE).
For information on CEHV's upcoming events, visit our website.