Jenn Asselin presented a paper entitled "Reconciling the Degree-Based Binary Freedoms of Reid and Kant" at the Free Will Conference held at the Center for Cognition and Neuroethics in Flint, MI.
Scott Brown gave an invited talk, "Reconsidering Instantiation as Identity," at a conference in Ligerz, Switzerland; the conference was called "Themes from Baxter II" and ran from 21 October 21-25, 2013.
He was also awarded an Honorable Mention for this paper "Problems for Instantiation as Identity" at the 2014 Fink Award ceremony, which honors an outstanding paper written by a graduate student in Ohio State's philosophy department.
Scott also received the Department of Philosophy's annual Graduate Teaching Associate Award in recognition of his exceptional teaching.
Owen King won the 2014 Fink Award for his paper "Well-Being and Life Improvement, Ceteris Paribus." The competition for the Fink Award is held annually in recognition of outstanding work by a philosophy graduate student.
Owen was also one of ten recipients of the university's Graduate Teaching Associate Award, which recognizes excellence in teaching. He was selected among 131 nominees and more than 3000 total graduate teaching associates across the university.
Owen is currently teaching at Oberlin for the 2014-15 academic year.
Andrew Kissel gave an invited talk, "Neuroscience, Psychology, and the Free Will Debate," at Kenyon on November 2011, 2013. Kissel was also a commentator at the Central APA meeting in Chicago in February 2014.
Teresa Kouri published "A reply to Heathcote's 'On the Exhaustion of Mathematical Entities by Structures' " (Axiomathes, published online June 2014) and "Review of Charles Parsons' 'Philosophy of Mathematics in the Twentieth Century'" (Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews). She also presented "A Problem for Restall's Logical Pluralism" at PhiloSTEM (Philosophy of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in April 2014.
Brian McLean published "What's So Good About Non-Existence?" (forthcoming in Journal of Value Inquiry). He also co-authored with Ben Caplan, Chris Tillman and Adam Murray the paper "Not the Optimistic Type" (Canadian Journal of Philosophy vol. 43).
Lindsay Rettler presented “Reason-Responsiveness and Voluntary Control” at the Pacific APA (San Diego, CA) and at the Baylor Philosophy of Religion Conference (invited) at Baylor University, both in April 2014. She was a Research Award Participant at the Faith Project Summer Seminar in Columbia, MO, in summer 2014.
Lindsay also chaired Derek Green's colloquium talk, "Belief and the Normativity of Mental Content" (the Belief and Content Session) at Central APA (Chicago, IL, March 2014), was an invited participant at the SMU Analytic Theology Workshop (August 2014), and was a research visitor at the University of Notre Dame (spring semester 2014).
Paul David Robinson was awarded a scholarship to take part in a workshop at the Herzl Institute in Jerusalem, where he presented his paper "Is Jeremiah Also Among the Philosophers? Induction and Falsification in the Hebrew Prophets." As part of his cognitive science research into both religion and conflict he interviewed West Bank residents, including members of the Samaritan community on Mount Gerizim, and spent a second season excavating with the Tell es-Safi/Gath Archaeological Project."
Giorgio Sbardolini presented "Proof analysis for Lewis' counterfactuals" at the triennial conference of the Italian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (SILFS), held in Rome June 18-20, 2014. He received a College of Arts and Sciences Arts & Humanities Graduate Research Small Grant to attend the conference.
Eric Snyder, with Professor Stewart Shapiro, published "Frege on the Real Numbers" (forthcoming in the Oxford University Press volume Essays on Frege's Basic Laws of Arithmetic). Eric also presented "Different Types of Names" at the Pacific APA.