Graduate Student Publications

Graduate Student Publications

Below are publications of our graduate students:



Ambardekar, Pranav Niranjan. "On the Epistemic Value of Reflection." Ergo. (forthcom

Ambardekar, Pranav Niranjan. "Why Knowledge Might Not Entail Belief." Southwest Philosophical Studies Vol 43. (forthcoming)

Fritz, James, McKittrick-Sweitzer, Lavender, D’Arms, Justin & Jorati, Julia. The Philosophy and Critical Thinking (PACT) Summer Camp at Ohio State. In C. Katz (Eds.), Growing Up with Philosophy Camp Vol. II (TBD)
Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. (forthcoming)

Griffin, Owain. "The Problem of Isomorphic Structures." Thought: A Journal of Philosophy. (forthcoming)

Lee, Seungsoo. "Blame and Acquiescence: How a Quality of Will Theorist Can Handle Exemption, Luck, and Diminution." Philosophical Studies. (forthcoming)

Lee, Seungsoo. "The Inconsistency of a Normative Pluriverse." The Philosophical Quarterly. (forthcoming)

Yum, Inchul. “The Euthyphro Problem and Desire Theories of Pain.” Analysis. (forthcoming)


Ekbote, Anand. "Euclidean Rigor and the Curious Case of the (Missing) Reflex Angle." Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, vol 108, 10-18.

Hsu, Shao-An. (2024). "The significance of conceptualism in McDowell." Asian Journal of Philosophy, 3: 29

Yum, Inchul. (2024). “Language Agents and Malevolent Design.” Philosophy & Technology 37: 104. 


DeRose, Todd. (2023). "Semantic Compositionality and Berkeley's Divine Language Argument." Religious Studies, 59, 239-251.

Lennon, Preston. (2023) “In Defense of Cognitive Phenomenology: Meeting the Matching Content Challenge.” Erkenntnis, 88, 2391-2407.

Lennon, Preston. (2023). “Aphantasia and Conscious Thought.” Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind, vol. 3, 131-155.

Yum, Inchul. (2023). “Against the Precisificational Approach to Fictional Inconsistencies." Ergo an Open Access Journal of Philosophy 9: 66.


Curtis-Trudel, Andre. (2022). "The InDeterminacy of Computation." Synthese, 200, 43

Flint, Dylan. (2022). "God Can Do Otherwise: A Defense of Act Contingency in Leibniz's Mature Period." History of Philosophy Quarterly, 39 (3).

Smithies, Declan, Lennon, Preston and Samuels, Richard. (2022), “Delusions and Madmen: Against Rationality Constraints on Belief.Synthese, 200, 1-30.

Yoon, Chulmin. (2022). "Semantic Relationism." In Chris Tillman and Adam Murray (Eds.)," The Routledge Handbook of Propositions. New York: Routledge, 470-489

Yu, Xiang. (2022). "Hidden Desires: A Unified Strategy for Defending the Desire-Satisfaction Theory." Utilitas. 34 (4), 445-460.


Curtis-Trudel, Andre. (2021) "Implementation as Resemblance." Philosophy of Science, 88 (5), 1021-1032.

Curtis-Trudel, Andre. (2021). "Why do we need a Theory of Implementation?The British Journal of Philosophy of Science.

DeRose, Todd (2021). "'Experience Itself Must be Taught to Read and Write': Scientific Practice and Berkeley's Language of Nature." Berkeley Studies, No. 29: pp. 14-23.

DeWitt, Jason. (2021). “Dogramaci’s Deflationism about Rationality.” Synthese, 199 (1-2), 4437-4455

McKittrick-Sweitzer, Lavender. (2021). "The Instability of the Law of Peoples and a Suggested Remedy." Public Reason, 11(2), 19-35.

Moreno, M., Bain, T., Moreno, M., Carroll, K., Cunningham, E., Ashton, Z., Poteau, R., Subasi, E., Lipkowitz, M., Subasi, M. (Jan 2021) "Identifying Clinical and Genomic Features Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease" (CKD). Frontiers in Big Data.


Ashton, Zoe. (2020). "Audience Role in Mathematical Proof Development." Synthese

DeRose, Todd (2020) "Empirically Skeptical Theism," Faith and Philosophy: Journal of the Society of Christian Philosophers, Vol. 37, Iss. 3 , Article 4.

McKittrick-Sweitzer, Lavender. (2020). Charles Mills’ “The Racial Contract”. In: Sellers M., Kirste S. (eds) Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. SpringerLink.

Thomas, Evan. (2020) “Animals and Cartesian Consciousness: Pardies vs. The Cartesians.” Journal of Modern Philosophy.

Yoon, Chulmin. (2020). "The transitivity of de jure coreference: a case against Pinillos." Philosophical Studies.


Fritz, James., & McPherson, Tristram. (2019).  “Moral Steadfastness and Meta-Ethics.” American Philosophical Quarterly, 56 (1), 43-56. 

Johnson, Christa. (2019). “Understanding for Hire.” (co-authored with Daniel Wilkenfeld), Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 50 (3,) 389-405.

Sample, Hope. (2019) "Kant's Transcendental Idealism About Time: a Neglected Alternative". Kant-Studien. 110 (3), 413-436.

Sbardolini, Giogrio. (2019). "Two-Dimensional Paradox." Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 97(3), 605-617

Weiss, Jeremy., & Smithies, Declan. (2019) "Affective Experience, Desire, and Reasons for Action." Analytic Philosophy, 60 (1), 27-54

Woods, Evan T. (2019) "Many, but One." Synthese


Brauer, Ethan. (2018). "Relevance for the Classical Logician."  Review of Symbolic Logic, Vol. 11, 1-22

Brauer, Ethan. (2018). “Second-order Logic and the Power Set.” Journal of Philosophical Logic, 47(1), 123-142.
Fritz, James. (2018). “Conciliationism and Moral Spinelessness.” Episteme, 15(1), 101-118.
Fritz, James. (2018). “What Pessimism about Moral Deference Means for Disagreement.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 1-16.
Garcia, Juan. (2018). “Libertarianism, Moral Character, and Alternative Possibilities in Thomas Reid.” History of Philosophy Quarterly, 35.1, 59-75, 2018

Garcia, Juan. (2018). “Leibniz, a Friend of Molinism.” Res Philosophica, special issue: New Frontiers in Philosophy of Religion, July 2018.

Robinson, Paul D. & Samuels, Richard. (2018). “Reasoning, rules, and representation.” In S. Bangu (ed.) Naturalizing Logico-Mathematical Knowledge: Approaches from Psychology and Cognitive Science (Routledge Series in Philosophy of Mathematics and Physics).


Brown, Scott. (2017). "Against instantiation as identity." Philosophical Studies, 174(4), 887-900.

Cleary, Ben. (2017). “Fictional Realism, Linguistic Indeterminacy, and Criteria of ‘Identity’.Journal of Philosophical Research, 42, 259-276.
Cook, Tyler. (2017). “Deontologists Can Be Moderate.” Journal of Value Inquiry.
Fritz, James. (2017). “Pragmatic Encroachment and Moral Encroachment.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 98(S1), 643-661.

Kouri Kissel, Teresa. (2017). "Logical Pluralism from a Pragmatic Perspective." Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 1-14.

Kouri Kissel, Teresa., & Shapiro, Stewart. (2017). "Logical pluralism and normativity." Inquiry, 1-22.

Snyder, Eric. (2017). "Numbers and Cardinalities: What’s Really Wrong with the Easy Argument for Numbers?" Linguistics and Philosophy, 40(4), 373-400.


Kouri, Teresa. (2016). "Restall’s Proof-Theoretic Pluralism and Relevance Logic." Erkenntnis, 81(6), 1243-1252.

Kouri, Teresa. (2016). "A new interpretation of Carnap’s logical pluralism." Topoi, 1-10.

Pearlberg, Daniel, & Schroeder, Tim. (2016). "Reasons, Causes, and the Extended Mind Hypothesis. Erkenntnis", 81(1), 41-57.

Sbardolini, Giorgio. (2016). with S. Negri. "Proof analysis for Lewis counterfactuals." The Review of Symbolic Logic, 9(1), 44-75.

Snyder, Eric. (2016). Review of M. Carrara, A. Arapinis, and F. Moltmann, Unity & Plurality: Logic, Philosophy, and Linguistics, in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, pp. 530-532

Snyder, Eric. (2016). “The Universal Measurer”, with Jefferson Barlew, in Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 20


McLean, Brian. (2015). "What’s So Good About Non-Existence?". The Journal of Value Inquiry, 49(1-2), 81-94.

Kouri, Teresa. (2015). "Ante rem structuralism and the no-naming constraint." Philosophia Mathematica, 24(1), 117-128.

Kouri, Teresa. (2015). "A Reply to Heathcote’s: On the Exhaustion of Mathematical Entities by Structures." Axiomathes, 25(3), 345-357

Snyder, Eric. (2015). “Vagueness and Context", with Stewart Shapiro, Inquiry, pp. 343-381