Past Conferences
The Philosophy Department of the Ohio State University cooperates with the University of Maribor (Slovenia) and the University of Rijeka (Croatia) to sponsor an annual philosophy conference at the Inter University Centre in Dubrovnik, Croatia. This conference is by invitation only.
Specific topics of the conferences vary but in recent years there has been a practice of alternating between a conference focused on problems in metaphysics and epistemology and one focused on issued in moral philosophy. Past conference topics and participant are listed below.
The 2023 OSU/Maribor/Rijeka conference was held in Dubrovnik from June 12 through June 16, organized by Richard Samuels and Stewart Shapiro. This year's theme was Analytic Philosophy, Representation and Computation. The participants included Boran Berčić (U of Rijeka), Walter Dean (U of Warwick), Ante Debeljuh (U of Rijeka), Nachum Dershowitz ( U of Tel Aviv), Nir Fresco (Ben-Gurion U), Balthasar Grabmayr (U of Tubingen), Philippos Papagiannopoulos (U of Paris), Gualtiero Piccinini (U of Missouri), Lucie Prune Quinon (Lund U), Paula Quinon (Lund U), Wilfried Sieg (U of Rijeka), Aleksandar V. Božić (U of Rijeka).
The 2019 OSU/Maribor/Rijeka conference was held in Dubrovnik from May 27 through May 31, organized by Tristram McPherson and Declan Smithies. This year's theme was moral epistemology. The participants included Boran Bercic (U of Rijeka), Matthew Bedke (UBC), John Bengson (Wisconsin, Madison), David Faraci (Durham), Jamie Fritz (OSU), Amelia Hicks (Kansas State), Karen Jones (Melbourne), Stephanie Leary (Indiana, Bloomington) Heather Logue (Leeds), Tristram McPherson (OSU), Nenad Miščevic (Maribor), Declan Smithies (OSU), Daniel Star (Boston), Sigrún Svavarsdóttir (Tufts), and Ralph Wedgwood (USC).
The 2018 OSU/Maribor/Rijeka conference was held in Dubrovnik from June 11 through June 15, organized by Eden Lin and Justin D’Arms. The topic of the conference was Value. The participants were Ralf Bader (Oxford), Boran Berčić (Rijeka), Gwen Bradford (Rice), Ivan Cerovac (Rijeka), Richard Yetter Chappell (York), Justin D’Arms (OSU), Caspar Hare (MIT), Chris Heathwood (Colorado), Ulrike Heuer (UCL), Owen King (Twente), Eden Lin (OSU), Douglas MacLean (UNC), Nenad Miscević (Maribor/CEU/Rijeka), Leonard Pektor (Rijeka), Connie Rosati (Arizona), Sarah Stroud (McGill), Meghan Sullivan (Notre Dame), Aleksandar Šušnjar (Rijeka), Sigrún Svavarsdóttir (Tufts), and Larry Temkin (Rutgers).
The 2017 OSU/Maribor/Rijeka conference was held in Dubrovnik from June 12 through June 16, organized by Richard Samuels, Eric Snyder, and Stewart Shapiro, as part of our Emergence of Number Discovery Project. It had a lineup of psychologists, linguistics, and philosophers. The participants were Chris Barker (NYU, Linguistics), Boran Berčić (Philosophy, Rijeka) , Elizabeth Brannon (Penn, Psychology), Julian Cole (SUNY Buffalo, Philosophy), Thomas Hofweber (UNC, Philosophy), Chris Kennedy (UChicago, Linguistics), Teresa Kouri (OSU, Philosophy), Manfred Krifka (Humbolt, Linguistics), Fred Landman (Tel Aviv, Linguistics), Øystein Linnebo (Oslo, Philosophy), Catarina Dutilh Novaes (Groningen, Philosophy), Lance Rips (Northwestern, Psychology), Susan Rothstein (Bar-Ilan, Linguistics), Greg Scontras (Stanford, Linguistics), and Nenad Miscevic (Philosophy, Rijeka)
The 2016 Ohio State/Maribor/Rijeka conference was held in Dubrovnik from June 13 through June 17, organized by Eric MacGilvray and Piers Turner. This year’s theme was contractarianism in political philosophy. Topics discussed included (1) What qualifies a political position as “liberal”? (2) Do the ideals of reasonable consent and public justifiability provide a coherent and attractive basis for a liberal politics? (3) Is consequentialism – the view that the good is prior to, or subsumes, the right – compatible with liberalism? The participants were Richard Arneson (UCSD), Elvio Baccarini (Rijeka), Boran Berčić (Rijeka), Thomas Christiano (Arizona), Ann Cudd (BU), David Estlund (Brown), Amanda Greene (UCL), Eric MacGilvray (OSU), Nenad Miščević (Rijeka/Maribor/CEU), Fabienne Peter (Warwick), Enzo Rossi (Amsterdam), George Sher (Rice), Nicholas Southwood (ANU), Rosa Terlazzo (Kansas State), and Piers Turner (OSU).
The annual Ohio State/Maribor/Rijeka conference was held in Dubrovnik from June 15 through June 19, organized by Stewart Shapiro. This year’s topic was pluralism in semantics and logic. We had a fruitful interaction between logicians, philosophers interested in language and logic, and linguists working in semantics. Participants in the main program were: Chris Barker, Boran Bercic, Janice Dowell, Andrew Egan, Matti Eklund, Geoffrey Hellman, Olé Hjortland, Chris Kennedy, Øystein Linnebo, Nenad Miscvic, Catarina Dutilh Novaes, Hazel Pearson, Graham Priest, Gillian Russell, Joshua Schechter, Stewart Shapiro, Gila Sher, Frank Sode, and Majda Trobok. We also had a student section, with four participants from the US and five from the area: Gabriela Basic, Ljudevit Hanzek, Ethan Jerzak, Nathan Kellen, Edi Pavlovic, Martina Valkovic, Viktor Vojnic, and our own Teresa Kouri and Eric Snyder.
The 2014 Dubrovnik Conference was held from June 9-13. Organized by Chris Pincock and William Taschek, the theme of this year's conference was the History of Analytic Philosophy. Participants included Boran Bercic (Rijeka), Arianna Betti (VU Amsterdam), Gary Ebbs (Indiana), Sebastien Gandon (Pascal), Hans-Johann Glock (Zurich), Warren Goldfarb (Harvard), Jeremy Heis (UC Irvine), Peter Hylton (Illinois, Chicago), Sandra Lapointe (McMaster), James Levine (Trinity Dublin), Chris Pincock (Ohio State), Michael Potter (Cambridge), Ian Proops (Texas), Thomas Ricketts (Pittsburgh), Stewart Shapiro (Ohio State), Peter Sullivan (Stirling), William Taschek (Ohio State), Mark Textor (King’s College, London), Joan Weiner (Indiana), Berislav Zarnic (Split).
The topic for the 2013 conference was the intersection of metaphysics and the philosophy of art, where ‘art’ was broadly construed to include not only artforms such as painting and sculpture, but also architecture, fiction, poetry, music, dance, and drama.
Participants included Boran Berčić (Rijeka), David Braun (Buffalo), Ben Caplan (Ohio State), Wesley Cray (Ohio State), Robert Howell (SUNY-Albany), Božidar Kante (Maribor, Slovenia), Shieva Kleinschmidt (USC), Robert Kraut (Ohio State), Carl Matheson (Manitoba), Nenad Miščević (CEU, Hungary), Guy Rohrbaugh (Auburn), David Sanson (Illinois State), Sarah Sawyer (Sussex), Joshua Spencer (Wisconsin-Milwaukee), and Iris Vidmar (Rijeka).
The annual Ohio State/Maribor/Rijeka conference was held in Dubrovnik from June 11 through June 15. This year's topic was contextualism and relativism, and was co-sponsored by the Departments of Philosophy and Linguistics. Participants were: Craige Roberts and Stewart Shapiro, (Ohio State), Chris Barker (NYU), Chris Kennedy (U. Chicago), Berit Brogaard (U. Missouri-St. Louis), Janice Dowell (U. Nebraska-Lincoln), Michael Glanzberg (Northwestern), Max Kölbel (Universitat de Barcelona), Diana Raffman (U. Toronto), Boran Bercic (Rijeka), Nenad Miscevic (Central European U). In addition, this year there were a series of talks by graduate students: Ezra Cook (Northwestern), Jeff Dauer (Washington U-St.Louis), David Rey (University of Barcelona), Joe Reich and Eric Snyder (Ohio State), Martina Blecic (Rijeka), Dusan Dozudic (Zagreb).
The topic for the 2011 conference is moral philosophy, broadly construed, with a special focus on "Reason and Right," including such topics as:
- Moral Rightness and Practical Rationality
- The Relation between Moral Reasons and Moral Rightness
- The Nature of Public Reason and Its Relation to Justification
Participants included: Boran Berčić (Rijeka), Fred D'Agostino (Queensland), Justin D'Arms (Ohio State), Julia Driver (Washington University, St. Louis), Gerald Gaus (Arizona), Don Hubin (Ohio State), Dan Jacobson (Michigan), Friderik Klampfer (Maribor), Tea Logar, Nenad Miščevic (Maribor), Ryan Muldoon (Western Ontario), Henry Richardson (Georgetown), Jonathan Riley (Tulane), Melinda Roberts (College of New Jersey), Connie Rosati (Arizona), David Shoemaker (Tulane), David Sobel (Nebraska, Lincoln), Vojko Strahovnik (Ljubljana), Piers Turner (Ohio State), Peter Vallentyne (Missouri, Columbia).
The 2010 conference was organized by Stewart Shapiro and Neil Tennant around the theme of "The nature of logical consequence". The event was cosponsored by the Foundations of Logical Consequence project at the Arché Research Centre, at the University of St. Andrews. Papers were given by Ben Caplan (Ohio State), Colin Caret (St. Andrews), Catarina Dutilh-Novaes (Amsterdam), Ole Hjortland (St. Andrews), Peter Milne (Stirling), Nenad Miščevic (Maribor), Dag Prawitz (Stockholm), Graham Priest (Melbourne/CUNY/St. Andrews), Stephen Read (St. Andrews), Greg Restall (Melbourne), Per Martin-Lőf (Stockholm), Tor Sandqvist (Stockholm), Peter Schroeder-Heister (Tübingen), Stewart Shapiro (Ohio State), Nenad Smokrović (Rijeka), Florian Steinberger (Cambridge), Majda Trobok (Rijeka), Alan Weir (Glasgow), and Berislav Žarnić (Split). There was also a student session, where papers were given by Michael De (St. Andrews), Salvatore Florio (Ohio State), Frederique Janssen-Lauret (St. Andrews), and Julien Murzi (Sheffield).
In 2009, Declan Smithies and Wayne Wu organized the Dubrovnik conference around the theme of "The Philosophical Significance of Attention". Papers were given by Michael Brady (Glasgow), John Campbell (Berkeley), Imogen Dickie (Toronto), Naomi Eilan (Warwick), Benj Hellie (Toronto), Terry Horgan (Arizona), Hemdat Lerman (Warwick), Luca Malatesti (Rijeka), Fiona MacPherson (Glasglow), Christopher Mole (Dublin), Ian Phillips (Oxford), Matjaž Potrč (Ljubljana), Johannes Roessler (Warwick), Charles Siewert (UC Riverside), Declan Smithies (OSU/ANU), Sebastian Watzl (Columbia), Wayne Wu (OSU).
The 2008 conference, organized by Justin D’Arms and Sigrún Svavarsdóttir, was in moral philosophy, focusing on the theme of evaluating agents. Participants presented papers on the nature of agents and agency, and on different forms of evaluation and appraisal. External participants included: Boran Berčić (Rijeka), Michael Bratman (Stanford), John Broome (Oxford), David Copp (Florida), Allan Gibbard (Michigan), Pamela Hieronymi (UCLA), Nadeem Hussain (Stanford), Karen Jones (Melbourne), Friderik Klampfer (Maribor), Maggie Little (Georgetown), Colleen MacNamara (UC Riverside), Nenad Miščevic (Maribor/Budapest), Philip Pettit (Princeton), Abe Roth (Ohio State), Nishi Shah (Amherst), John Skorupski (St. Andrews), and Michael Smith (Princeton).
Conference participants for 2007 include: Louise Antony (Massachusetts), Karen Bennett (Princeton), Hartry Field (NYU), Elizabeth Fricker (Oxford), Mark Hinchliff (Reed), Thomas Hofweber (North Carolina), Sukjae Lee (Ohio State), Janet Levin (Southern California), Joe Levine (Massachusetts), Fraser McBride (Birkbeck College, London), Brian McLaughlin (Rutgers), Nenad Miščevic (Maribor), George Pappas (Ohio State), David Sanson (Ohio State), Larry Shapiro (Wisconsin), Stewart Shapiro (Ohio State), Ted Sider (Rutgers), Sidney Shoemaker (Cornell), William Taschek (Ohio State), Deborah Tollefsen (Memphis), Gabriel Uzquiano (Oxford), and Michael Watkins (Auburn).
The 2006 OSU/Maribor/Rijeka Conference in Dubrovnik will be in moral philosophy, focusing on the theme of "Regulating Attitudes with Reasons." Conference participants included: Michael Bratman (Stanford), John Broome (Oxford), Ruth Chang (Rutgers), Zac Cogley (OSU), Justin D'Arms (OSU), Dan Farrell (OSU), Allan Gibbard (Michigan), Barbara Herman (UCLA), Pam Hieronymi (UCLA), Don Hubin (OSU), Nadeem Hussain (Stanford), Dan Jacobson (Bowling Green), Karen Jones (Melbourne), Friderik Klampfer (Maribor), Niko Kolodny (Berkeley), Victoria McGeer (Princeton), David Merli (Franklin and Marshall), Nenad Miščevic (Maribor/Budapest), Philip Pettit (Princeton), Matjaž Potrč (Ljubljana), Geoff Sayre-McCord (UNC/Chapel Hill), Tim Scanlon (Harvard), Nishi Shah (Amherst), Seana Shiffrin (UCLA), Tommie Shelby (Harvard), and Sigrun Svavarsdottir (OSU).
In 2005, the Conference included papers by: Louise Antony (OSU), Boran Bercic (Riyeka), Elizabeth Fricker (Oxford), David Henderson (Memphis), Noa Latham (Calgary), Janet Levin (USC), Joseph Levine (OSU), Ausonio Marras (Western Ontario), Brian McGlaughlin (Rutgers), Bill Melanson (OSU), George Pappas (OSU), Snježana Prijić-Samaržija (Riyeka), Bill Roche (OSU), Bruce Russell (Wayne State), and Joshua Smith (OSU).
Participants in the 2003 OSU/Maribor/Rijeka Conference included: Louise Antony (OSU), Boran Bercic (Rijeka), Alex Byrne (MIT), Friderik Klampfer (Maribor), Joseph Levine (OSU), Johann Marek (Graz), Sarah McGrath (Brandeis), Nenad Miščevic (Maribor/Budapest), George Pappas (OSU), Matjaž Potrč (Ljubljana), Georges Rey (Maryland), William Taschek (OSU), Michael Watkins (Auburn), and Ralph Wedgwood (Oxford).
1989 & 1991
The first OSU/Maribor/Rijeka Conference in Dubrovnik occurred in 1989 and a second was held two years later. These early conferences focused on issues in metaphysics and epistemology with participants such as: Marshall Swain (OSU), Kathleen Wilkes (Kentucky), Alvin Goldman (Rutgers), Simon Blackburn (Cambridge), Richard Feldman (Rochester), David Owens (Cambridge), David Sanford (Duke), Jay Rosenberg (North Carolina), John Biro (Florida), Jonathan Vogel (Amherst), Ausonio Marras (Western Ontario), Zuzana Paruskinova, Petr Kotatko (Czech Academy of Sciences), Josep Corbi (Valencia), Robert Almeder (Georgia State), Joe Tolliver (Arizona), Ray Elugardo (Oklahoma), Nenad Miščevic (Maribor/Budapest), Johann Marek (Graz), Matjaž Potrč (Ljubljana), Terry Horgan (Arizona), and Georges Rey (Maryland, College Park).
(The Conference series was suspended through the rest of the 1990s due to the conflict in Croatia. In 2003, Ohio State University with the University of Maribor and the University of Rijeka rekindled the conference series).