

Salvatore Florio, Paula Quinon, Stewart Shapiro, Teresa Kouri Kissel, Eric Snyder

Conference Held Honoring Professor Stewart Shapiro

The Israel Science Foundation, The Edelstein Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology and Medicine, and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem sponsored “Content, Construction and…


Andre Curtis Trudel accepts a 3 year postdoc at Lingnan University

Andre Curtis Trudel will be taking up a 3 year postdoc at Lingnan University, working on a project called, "The Philosophy of Contemporary and Future Science." The project, led by Professor…

Philosophical Gourmet

Ohio State Philosophy Rises to #25 in New Ranking

The new Philosophical Gourmet report -- the leading reputational ranking of Philosophy graduate programs in the English-speaking world -- has ranked Ohio State at #25 among U.S.…


Lavender McKittrick-Sweitzer has accepted an Assistant Professor position at Butler University.

Lavender McKittrick-Sweitzer has accepted a tenure track Assistant Professor position at Butler University specializing in contemporary social and political philosophy…

Sahar Heydari Fard

New Faculty in Philosophy: Sahar Heydari Fard

The Department of Philosophy is thrilled to announce the hire of Dr. Sahar Heydari Fard to the position of Assistant Professor, starting in autumn 2022.

Professor Heydari Fard’s expertise…

Hope Sample

Hope Sample has accepted an Assistant Professor position at Carleton College

Hope Sample, who completed her Ph.D. here in 2018 with Professor Lisa Shabel, has accepted a tenure track position at Carleton College, a top liberal arts college in Minnesota. Hope reports that…

J. Dewitt

APA Interviews Jason DeWitt

Graduate Student Jason DeWitt talks with the APA about his philosophical interests. For the full interview click here.

T. Kouri

Teresa Kouri Kissel awarded NEH fellowship

OSU Ph.D. Teresa Kouri Kissel (Old Dominion) is the recipient of a prestigious National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship.  It will support her research for a book project on female…

Department logo

Statement from the Department of Philosophy

The Department of Philosophy at Ohio State affirms its support of the local and global protests against police brutality, systemic racism, and the killing of Black Americans.  We condemn…