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Alex Wolf-Root

Alex Wolf-Root

Alex Wolf-Root

Senior Lecturer


337H University Hall
230 North Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210

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Areas of Expertise

  • Philosophy of Sport & Games
  • Applied Ethics
  • Social & Political Philosophy


  • Ph.D. University of Colorado Boulder, 2020
  • M.A. University of Colorado Boulder, 2016
  • A.B. University of California, Davis, 2009

How to pronounce my name:  

Alex Wolf-Root


I’m currently interested in issues around both sport and labor unions, both with regards to ontological questions (e.g. what is doping, what is a union) and normative ones (e.g. how ought sport be done in academic settings, how ought unions balance democratic member control with competing interests). As a teacher, I largely teach social, political, and ethics-y courses, and I love to help students critically evaluate the world they live in and see how the philosophical issues at hand are often directly applicable to their personal life; philosophy doesn’t end in the classroom!

More can be found on my personal website and CV.

Selected Publications:

  • “COVID-19: Unmasking the NCAA’s Collegiate Model Myth” in Philosophy, Sport, and the Pandemic, eds. by Jeffrey Fry and Andrew Edgar. Routledge. (2022)
  • “Using Animals in the Pursuit of Human Flourishing Through Sport” – Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research (2021)
  • “Rethinking Doping” – Fair Play. Journal of Philosophy, Ethics and Sports Law, 18, 1-42. (2020)
  • “On Being Part of a Game” – Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 47:1, 75-88. (2020)
  • “Pre-Game Cheating and Playing the Game” – Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 13:3-4, 334-347. (2019)