The Ohio State University chapter of Minorities and Philosophy is excited to announce our second graduate philosophy conference:

Social Justice through Counter-Speech, De-Platforming, and Silencing
September 14 & 15, 2024
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
with keynote addresses by Mary Kate McGowan (Wellesley College) and Brookes Brown (University of Toronto)
Often, people’s words are harmful. Potential examples include: a classmate appealing to racist stereotypes in a class discussion, a politician tweeting misogynistic rhetoric on family organization, and an invited speaker promoting transphobic misinformation. When faced with harmful speech, how should we respond? Is counterspeech efficacious, or does it merely worsen the problem? When is protest permissible, and against whom? Do companies have an obligation to “de-platform” or suspend the accounts of users spreading harmful speech?
Please register here, especially if you plan to attend a lunch.
Conference Program
Saturday, September 14
8:30am - 9:00am
| Welcome and light breakfast
9:00am - 9:40am | Ethics is Failing Ethics Mary Peterson & Kate Yuan |
9:50am - 10:30am | Rethinking Agency in Speech Act Perspective Ritu Sharma |
10:40am - 11:20am | ‘It’s OK to be White’: Political Speech as Ventriloquist Acts Sakinah Nadiah Johan Abdullah Munday |
11:30am-12:30pm | Lunch |
1:10pm - 1:50pm | Platforming Experts, and Authority Edgar Vasquez |
2:00pm - 4:00pm | Keynote Address: Fairness, civic engagement, and some (very preliminary) thoughts on speech Brookes Brown (University of Toronto) |
Sunday, September 15
8:30am - 9:00am
| Welcome and light breakfast
9:00am - 11:00am | Keynote Address: Swimming Upstream: Why Some Harmful Speech is Hard to Undo Mary Kate McGowan (Wellesley College) |
11:10am - 11:50am | Newspeak in the Pandemic Mengyuan Qi |
12:00pm - 1:00pm | Lunch |
1:00pm - 1:40pm | Just this time, let it slide Maria Genova |
1:50pm - 2:30pm | Intention and Uptake in Light of Moral Considerations Jaehyun Lee |
2:40pm - 3:20pm | Indigenous Territorial Acknowledgment as Protest Claire Becerra |
We are grateful to the Center for Ethics and Human Values at Ohio State for their generous support.