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William Marsolek

William Marsolek

William Marsolek

Teaching Associate



337E University Hall
230 N. Oval Mall
Columbus, OH

Google Map

Professional Website

Office Hours

Mondays: 2:20-3:20
Thursdays: 4:00-5:00

Areas of Expertise

  • Kant
  • History of Modern Philosophy
  • History of Analytic Philosophy
  • History of Chinese and Indian Philosophy


  • B.A. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 2018

How to pronounce my name: 

William Marsolek


I am a fourth-year graduate student.

I am primarily interested in the overlap between Kant's philosophy of mathematics and his philosophy of science. My candidacy project was on the Phoronomy chapter of the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science—specifically, determining what Kant's goals in this chapter are, and how he uses mathematical constructions & different representations of space to achieve them. I have also worked on Kant's early advocation for—and his theoretical backing of—his own "scientific" racism, as well as the regulative use of reason in the improper sciences, especially psychology.

Not directly related to Kant, I have interests in early analytic philosophy, Chinese & Indian philosophy (especially Nagarjuna), and early modern disputes regarding the scientific status of the non-physical sciences (e.g., physiognomy, alchemy, and higher-level mathematics). I also like bookbinding, beer brewing, and knitting.