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Graduate students Daniel Gross and Christa Johnson delivered comments on papers delivered at the meeting of the Illinois Philosophical Association this past weekend. Daniel commented on "…

Earlier this month, Professors Pincock, Shapiro and Tennant each delivered papers at a joint meeting of two Philosophy of Mathematics associations held at the University of Illinois, Urbana-…

5th year graduate student Eric Snyder has recently published an article in Inquiry entitled "Binding, Genericity, and Predicates of Personal Taste." In it he argues in favor of contextualism about…

The start of Fall semester coincides with the arrival of five new faculty members: Assistant Professor Julia Jorati, Visiting Assistant Professor Brian Kim  Post-Doctoral…

The Philosophy Department is pleased to welcome eight new students to the graduate program. Jennifer Asselin, Eric De Araujo, James Fritz, Daniel Giglio, Paul Robinson, Giorgio Sbardolini, Stephen…

The Dean has named Professor William Taschek Interim Chair of the Philosophy Department. William has taken over the duties from Professor Don Hubin, who retired at the end of May, and will serve…

Don Hubin has announced his retirement, effective May 31, 2013. Don has been Chair of the Philosophy Department since 2006, and has served the University as a teacher, scholar and service…

The Department is pleased to welcome Brian Kim as a Visiting Assistant Professor for the coming academic year. Brian specializes in Epistemology and Rational Choice Theory and has further…

The Fink award, which recognizes an outstanding essay written by a graduate student in philosophy, is awarded this year to Kate McFarland for her paper entitled "De-Semanticizing the Dispute about…