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Ohio State Philosophy will be well represented at the Central Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association in Denver in two weeks! Two graduate students are giving papers:

Declan Smithies and Alex Petrov are co-organizing an interdisciplinary conference on the philosophy and psychology of visual space to be held at the Ohio State University on 15-16 February, 2019.…

Ohio State Philosophy will be well represented at the Eastern Division meeting of the American Philosophical Association next week! Three graduate students are giving papers:

Evan Thomas on…

Former OSU philosophy major (and football Buckeye) Anthony Gonzalez is profiled in the Columbus Dispatch as he becomes the new US Representative for Ohio’s 16th district:

Then-coach Jim…

On December 7 Jerilyn Tinio successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Bodies as Privative Causes: Descartes on the Causes of Motion”. Professors Lisa Downing and Julia Jorati served as her co…

The blog of the American Philosophical Association has posted an interview with Ohio State Professor Julia Jorati about how philosophy courses might be revised to include readings outside the…

The Department of Philosophy at the University at Buffalo (SUNY) will be honoring Ohio State Prof. Stewart Shapiro as a distinguished alumnus of its PhD program. For details please visit the…

There is a new major at Ohio State: Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) !  A collaboration of our department with Political Science and Economics, the PPE major offers broad and…

Wednesday saw our welcome back pizza party for Philosophy majors in the department library, overseen by G.E. Moose. 

If you are curious about majoring or minoring in philosophy, our…