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On March 26, Christa Johnson successfully defended her dissertation "How to be a Nonconsequentialist: A Defense of Deontological Constraints.” Congrats, Dr. Johnson! 

Here’s Christa’s…

Our graduate students produce and publish an impressive amount of excellent philosophical material, on topics such as moral spinelessness, fictional realism, vagueness, freedom of the will, second…

PhD candidate James Fritz was awarded a presidential fellowship, the most prestigious award given by the Graduate School. Awarded competitively, the Presidential Fellowship gives fellows one…

Many of our current graduate students (and some very recent graduates) are presenting or commenting at the three upcoming conferences of the American Philosophical Association.


The OSU Philosophy Department hosted the 2017 Midwest Seminar in Modern Philosophy on October 20–22. Nine external speakers presented papers on a wide range of figures and topics, sparking lively…

Professor Eden Lin has won the 2017 PEA Soup Ideas Award in Metaethics for his post “Sophisticated Theories of Welfare”. 

The announcement is here.

Congratulations, Eden!

Stephen Metcalf of the Slate Culture Gabfest drew a crowd for his William Hammond Lecture on the American Tradition, entitled “Neoliberalism, Authoritarianism and American Authenticity.” An audio…

Congratulations to Tyler Cook, whose paper "Deontologists Can Be Moderate” was accepted for publication in The Journal of Value Inquiry. Here’s his abstract: "Considering the abundance…

The Philosophy Department welcomes Stephen Metcalf, writer, critic and host of the Slate Culture Gabfest, to deliver the William Hammond Lecture on the American Tradition. Metcalf’s talk is…