The Department of Philosophy is proud to celebrate seven years of summer camps that teach philosophical ideas and critical thinking to high school students. This summer, our two camps focused on Artificial Intelligence and on Science, Faith and Reality. As they do each year, campers learned from philosophy faculty and graduate students about the substance of the topics and also about how to develop arguments and respond to objections, and they worked on group projects to present their views. Campers loved the discussions, the depth of the ideas they were considering, and the combination of serious thought with fun and exploration of our beautiful campus.
We started this camp in 2017 to expose intellectually curious kids to the pleasures and challenges of philosophy and analytical thinking. Ohio State faculty volunteer their time, while our graduate students, the next generation of philosophers, are offered meaningful summer work that teaches them how to bring philosophical thinking to a wider audience. We have continued the effort because of the enthusiasm of the campers and the feedback from their parents, who are effusive in their appreciation of the quality of the experience and the effect it has on these young thinkers.
This camp would be impossible without the financial support of the Vigoda family, which has enabled the department to offer scholarships to the many campers who would not otherwise have access to experiences like this one. The result has been seven years with diverse groups of campers from many different school districts in Central Ohio (and beyond!), who benefit from and enjoy talking and working with students from different communities on challenging philosophical questions. As our costs grow, we need to find others who can help us continue to provide this experience to all the smart and interested kids who would benefit from it. And if you know a young person who would appreciate this camp, send them our way!