Jake Beardsley
B.A. Philosophy, English, College of William & Mary, 2021
Area of interest: Social & Political Philosophy, and Philosophy of Gender
I'm primarily interested in the philosophy of gender, but I also study related work in ethics, metaphysics, and the philosophy of language. My current project is about the origin and function of gender concepts.
Sebastian Broberg
BA in Philosophy, University of Arizona, 2021
Area of interest: Epistemology, Philosophy of Logic, and Philosophy of Language
I like thinking about reason, knowledge, and language. I especially like where these come together in logical empiricism and philosophy of psychiatry. I also enjoy reading and writing about philosophy of logic and anarchism.
Jacob Caldwell
BA Philosophy, The College of Wooster, 2016
MA Philosophy, Brandeis University, 2018
Area of interest: Kant and Applied Ethics
While my background lies in Kant’s philosophy, especially his moral and aesthetic theory, my current research interests include topics at the intersection of applied ethics and the philosophy of medicine, such as trust, consent, autonomy, moral transformation, delusion, error, and control.
Shao-An Hsu
B.S. in psychology, National Taiwan University, 2014
M.A. in philosophy, Tufts University, 2022
Area of interest: Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language, and Metaphysics
My research focuses mostly on the intersection of philosophy of mind, epistemology, and philosophy of language, and its implications for metaphysics. My central concern is intentionality––the foundation for perception, thought, knowledge and other intentional acts. The questions about it that I have been tackling include: What is it for the mind or a language to be about anything at all? What makes a representation, mental or linguistic, have the content it does? How is it possible for the mind to be about the external world? By virtue of what? What contribution, if any, does (phenomenal) consciousness make to intentionality? What is the relationship between the aboutness of the mental and the linguistic? I am inclined to place these questions in a normative context, as I believe that it is (partly) because of the power of agency that intentionality is possible and hence the questions of truth and objectivity can be legitimately asked. Meanwhile, in metaphysics, I am most attracted to issues of modality and “meta-metaphysics”. I tend to associate them with the above fields of study.
Sarah Mosher
B.A., Ohio Northern University, 2012
I am interested in questions that involve the overlap of epistemology, aesthetics/philosophy of music, cognition and creativity.
Inchul Yum
B.A. Philosophy, Psychology, Sungkyunkwan University, 2019
M.A. Philosophy, Sungkyunkwan University, 2022
Area of interest: Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Logic