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Friday, May 5, 2023
8:00-8:55am Greetings and Continental Breakfast
9:00-9:50am Session 1 “Gender Identity as Narrative, Gender as Genre” Jake Beardsley, The Ohio State University
10:00-10:50am Session 2 “Psychological Facts and Blame” Anand Ekbote, The Ohio State University
11:00-11:50am Session 3 “A Kantian Account of Aesthetically Sublime Rage” Martina Favaretto, Indiana University, Bloomington
12:00-1:20pm Lunch in Gluck Library
1:30-2:20pm Session 4 “Righteous Indignation and Radical Love: An Analysis of Anger in Social Justice” Brant Entrekin, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
3:30-5:30pm Keynote Address: "Martin Luther King Jr. on Fear and Fearlessness" Dr. Meena Krishnamurthy, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Queen’s University
7:00 Conference Dinner
Saturday, May 6, 2023
9:00-9:55am Continental Breakfast
10:00-10:50am Session 5 “Injustice, Marked Embodiment, and Gender: A Case Study of Period Shaming in Iran” Shadi Heidarifar, University of Florida
11:00-11:50am Session 6 “Madness” Erica Bigelow, University of Washington
Afternoon outing to Franklin Park Conservatory
We are grateful to the Center for Ethics and Human Values at Ohio State for their generous support.