Allan Silverman

Allan Silverman

Allan Silverman

Emeritus Professor


230 N Oval Mall
Columbus, OH

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Areas of Expertise

  • Ethics
  • Late Wittgenstein
  • Metaphysics
  • Ancient Philosophy


  • Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 1985
  • M.A. University of California, Berkeley, 1980
  • B.A. The Ohio State University (Classics), 1978

How to pronounce his name:  

Allan Silverman


Prof. Silverman's PhilPapers page



  • "Ascent and Descent: The Philosopher's Regret," forthcoming in Social Philosophy and Policy.
  • "Plato's Middle Period Metaphysics and Epistemology," Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2003.
  • The Dialectic of Essence, Princeton University Press, 2003, x and 393 pages.
  • "Flux and Language in the Theaetetus," Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, XVIII(2000), 109-152.
  • "Plato's Cratylus: The Nature of Naming and the Naming of Nature," Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, X (1992), 25-71.
  • "Timaean Particulars," Classical Quarterly, 42 (1992), 87-113.