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The Philosophy Department is pleased to welcome five new students to the graduate program. Mauro Corneli, Jenni Ernst, Matthew Souba, Evan Woods and Kevin Wutke have a variety of philosophical…

Oxford University Press has just published a new book on Epistemology and the Philosophy of Mind co-edited by Professor Declan Smithies. The book is entitled Introspection and Consciousness,…

Professor Neil Tennant has published his sixth book, which is entitled Changes of Mind: An Essay on Rational Belief Revision. Oxford University Press, which published the book in June, describes…

The annual Ohio State/Maribor/Rijeka conference was held in Dubrovnik from June 11 through June 15. This year's topic was contextualism and relativism, and was co-sponsored by the Departments of…

Kirun Sankaran has won this year's Bingham Award competition for his essay entitled "Inferentialism and Indeterminacy: Kripke, Brandom and Wilson." All are welcome to attend a short award ceremony…

Matthew Verdin, an undergraduate double major in philosophy and political science, has been awarded third prize in the Humanities competition of this year's Denman Undergraduate Research Forum.…

The Fink award, which recognizes an outstanding essay written by a graduate student in philosophy, will be shared this year by Daniel Pearlberg and Eric Snyder, for papers respectively entitled "…

Veiw the conference program here.

Through the generosity of Virginia Hull, a friend of the College of Arts and Humanities, the College sponsors a competition for an award intended to advance the careers of women faculty members…